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Jan 22, 2020
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A used car can last for many years if properly cared for. No matter how many years your Volkswagen has been in service, good maintenance habits can save you on major repairs—not to mention the hardship of a breakdown during your vacation or commute to work. Here are some Volkswagen maintenance tips to follow for your used vehicle, whether it has 3,000 or 30,000 miles or more on the odometer.

Follow the Manufacturer’s Maintenance Recommendations

For the manufacturer’s suggestions, check the owner’s manual in your glove compartment. It tells you how often to get an oil change, replace engine fluids, or rotate tires. The information in the manual pertains to the unique needs of your vehicle model. Go with the recommendations it provides rather than what your dealer or mechanic says. Most dealerships and service shops suggest oil changes or coolant replacement, for example, more frequently than necessary.

Important Service

Regular oil changes help keep the engine lubricated, cool, and free of sludge—a thick, black substance that can build up and cause serious damage. Your mechanic can help by:

  • Changing the oil filter: The filter keeps dirt out of the engine. Changing it is simple for an automotive technician, and it’s a good idea to do so during each oil change.
  • Replacing the timing belt: The timing belt synchronizes the opening and closing of the engine’s valves in your Volkswagen car. It should be changed before it breaks, which can be catastrophic.
  • Checking fluids: Every now and then, check power steering, transmission, and brake fluids. The rust inhibitors in radiator coolant can break down over time, so check the manual for when to do a radiator coolant flushing.
  • Rotating tires: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on when to rotate and align tires. Maintain proper air pressure as well. These tips can help your tires last longer and avoid costly replacements.

Things You Can Do Yourself

Volkswagen Golf GTI

There are many ways to care for your used Volkswagen without a mechanic. Regular washings (once or twice a month) remove grime, salt, grease, bugs, bird droppings, and all types of pollutants. Wiping off debris after a drive can protect your car as well. If rinsing the car yourself, use a gentle cleanser and a microfiber or soft cloth, while a hard waxing twice a year can help preserve your vehicle.

Remember to regularly remove leaves and other debris from under the wipers and hood. When cleaning the wheels, use a wheel brush and thoroughly rinse one tire at a time with a gentle cleanser. On the inside, keep things clean and free of clutter to improve the driving experience for you and potential passengers.

Trust Jeff D’Ambrosio Volkswagen for Service

Whether you have a compact Volkswagen Beetle or Golf, SUV, or wagon, the tips above can help your used vehicle last longer. Our Downingtown, PA dealership has a service center for when you need routine service or repairs. Service specials and credit card options are available as well, so check for these to save. Schedule an appointment today by calling 888-269-0683.